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Like Finally


Posted by F@i | Posted on 10:13:00 AM | Posted in

After months of wearing Beanie/Bennie Hat & Cap...

Finally, I'm able to go to Uni without wearing them now.

Had a proper haircut this morning.

The hair of mine before being cut is horrible.

No longer have to wear Beanie/Bennie Hat & Cap when I want to go out.

See you hats after a few months later.


"You Looked Like A Korean" Said Koreans


Posted by F@i | Posted on 6:54:00 PM | Posted in

Recently there were lots of Koreans upholding their religious values - Christianity and are seeking people to join their church activities and events around the streets.

They usually "tackle" their own kinds but I've encountered several attempts because they said I look like a Korean. Same goes to some postgraduate students when I was doing my research experience program.

First, they approached you by saying "Anyohaseyo". Then they nonstop babbling in Korean Language. After finished babbling, they felt awkward because I was absolutely boggled. Then they started to struggle to speak in English because they realized I'm not a Korean and they tried to explain and apologize.

P/s: I looked awesome.

Itchy Itchy Itchy


Posted by F@i | Posted on 12:30:00 PM | Posted in

Stupid Pharmacist said I got Fungal Infection and prescribe me some foam solution - Pevaryl. It cost me $19.99

During and after I applied for a week, it gets itchier and there was slightly more around the infected area. Shoulder and Waist were "infected" before I went to the Pharmacy, but now it's even worse

Went to the pharmacy today and ask if it was suppose to be like that The other pharmacist said it shouldn't be, so she prescribed me another cream - DermAid 1% Cream. It cost me $9.99

If it gets worse again, I will never seek pharmacists for advise & medicine prescription again. Issh...

What Am I?


Posted by F@i | Posted on 5:38:00 PM | Posted in

My Uni life is extremely unbalanced, the chemistry of hard-work & joy is not in equilibrium.

I desire something SPECIAL that will engrosses me. I'm eager to spend my time doing things that are really worthwhile.

I swear I will engage in part-time jobs or clubs next year. Amen.

Before signing out, things that I've found out after 4 weeks of my 2nd semester:

1. Some girls just don't know how bitchy they are.
2. Some people just like to give remarks in anything that doesn't relates to themselves.
3. If you're one of them, please lah do some self-reflection.

Fly Like An Eagle


Posted by F@i | Posted on 1:29:00 PM | Posted in

Leaving one by one.

1st. Hua Yin - Singapore (left)

2nd. Me - Australia (left)

3rd. Li Yen - United States (left)

4th Samantha - United States (soon)

Who's going to be the 5th?

& When can the 19 of us gather again?

Ahhhh. The days where the 19 of us went to AmCorp & Ipoh Chicken Rice Restaurant

They're still fresh in my memory.

p/s: And to the people who kept on asking me, your fugly Yu Fai is not coming back this year end. Amen.

Mama Will Be Proud Of Me


Posted by F@i | Posted on 1:14:00 PM | Posted in


People that sees my notes or my work will goes like this :

2 instances

Guy A: "Oh what the hell!? Is that your work!? Dude, you must be joking"
Guy B: "Man, I have wished I have those kind of handwriting. F*** Science dude, you should engage in graffiti."

Girl A: "Oh my gosh! Is that your handwriting? It's like printed!"
Girl B: "Is that your handwriting?? You beat the hell out of me Ryan, yes you did"

p/s: Even my chemistry practical demonstrator acted in the same way >:)