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Yepi Yep Yep

Posted by F@i | Posted on 10:12:00 PM | Posted in

1st Post:

1. I think I'm not good at dealing with responsibilities.

2. I think I'm not wise enough to make judgments.

3. I think I don't think deeply about consequences after a decision has been made.

4. I think I'm a carefree and blithe guy.

5. I think I'm bad at handling personal, as in own issues.

6. I'm not good at mixing with people.

p/s: Watching movies plays an important role in helping yourself to realize what kind of person you are. I want to be better.

2nd Post:

a. I think I've injured my knee due to my stubbornness and stupidity. I'll need a long time to recuperate.

b. Too much to be revealed, too much to be unfolded. Pent-up frustration just irritates you a lot.

c. Why life just has to be that gloom when everything seems to be good and all those undesirable issues come up to you?

d. Just can't believe how selfish people can be without having a deep and serious consideration before they make up their mind? Hello! At least bear your own responsibility please, don't abnegate it.

e. It really pisses me off when people acted like it's the end of the day.

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