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Posted by F@i | Posted on 12:00:00 AM | Posted in

Man is a creature with thoughts and feelings. His physical needs like eating and sleeping are similiar to that of animals. However, it is in his public emotions that mark out his humanity and differentiate him from other creatures. Man is able to be kind, feel compassion and other noble feelings towards his fellow humans. Man, however, has unpleasant emotions which reveal his bad side like hatred, cruelty and jealousy.

Jealously is a negative emotion. To be jealous means being envious of someone or unhappy because one does not have a possession or something desirable which another person has.

The feeling that a jealous person bears towards another is not a good one. It is born out of envy, resentment and ill-will towards the other.

For example, a student may be jealous of a friend's good look or grades. It usually does not matter to him that the friend may have taken the trouble to make himself pleasant or studied hard to deserve his grades. All it matters to him is that he is envious that the other person has the thing, position or attributes he wants. There is a comparison, with the jealous person feeling unhappy that the other party has something that he desires.

Being jealous reflects on a person's immaturity. Jealousy, can lead to negative actions. A person who is jealous may slander his rival in love. Sometimes, he may even resort to violence.

Even nations may be jealous of other nations and go to war against them. A dictator in a poor nation, faced with a dissatisfied populace, may go to war against a prosperous neighbouring one out of jealousy and to solve his problems. A corporation losing business to another company may resort to dirty tactics against that company to win back their customers. Much unhappiness and suffering occurs when jealous parties resort to immoral acts against innocent parties whom they are envious of.

In popular literature and films, we often hear of the jealous lover. Having lost his beloved one's affections, he may give vent to his hate, rage and resort to ways to harm his rival and win his loved one. This scenario often forms the plot of many love melodramas in film. The audience is kept in suspense about the jealous person's future evil actions and this drives the film or plot along. Usually the evil, jealuos person will obtain his just desserts and be punished in the end of no one loves a jealous person.

Provided a jealous person does not resort to evil, some good may come out of a jealous state. A person who is jealous about his love rival or his prosperous business rival may be spurred on to improve himself or his form's efficiency to be one up on the other.

Jealousy will always be with the common man. A person who becomes a better person will learn not to have jealousy or to control it. All said and done, jealousy will always be with us.

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