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Tagged by Kimberley Wong Yu Ting

Posted by F@i | Posted on 12:22:00 AM | Posted in

1. If you can rename yourself, which name would you choose?
A : I'm satisfied with my name and I love it.

2. If you can be reborned as anything at all, what will you choose to be?
A : An Elf living in the forest / A sea underworld protector.

3. If you had a choice, what era do you choose to live in?
A : Any era as long I'm happy and fine.

4. If you can swap bodies with anyone for a day, who would that be?
A : With the poor that is suffering from hunger.

5. If you could possess someone’s ability and personality, who would that be?
A : None so far. Perhaps the God

6. If you only can have one of these two abilities, that is, to be able to love, but hated by others; or to be able to hate, but loved by others, which would you rather choose?
A : To be able to hate but loved by others

7. If you could have something you don’t already have [and impossible to have too], what will you want?
A : Unlimited money to be donated to others.

8. If you have finished reading this, which three people do you want to tag.
a) Tan Wei Kuang
b) Chua Li Shawn
c) Wong Bi Wei
d) ( Those who wanted to do this tag, you can write " Tagged by Yu Fai " for your blog title )
e) Anyone..zzzzzz

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