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Posted by F@i | Posted on 1:26:00 AM | Posted in

I'm been encountered by a same question again, 1.26 A.M ( 16-11-2008 )

lai lai lai, let me do some e.g. of conversation

xxx : wat actually ur blog means ? what does dolce vita means ?

now let the ''genius'' explain it now

For your kind information

Dolce - comes from Italian word, which means SWEET


Vita - comes from Latin word, which means LIFE

so~ in conclusion

this Dolce Vita means Sweet Life

but it looks weird huh ? coz got emo post right ? hahaha..

well, cant help, im also a human being

but will try lessen it lar of coz =p

if not, this blog wouldn't be dolce vita anymore, haha!

it will be more like Dull Life =x

And ya, im started to on my computer more often edi.

no choice lar, from august study until now, continuously, very sien de leh

So~i will stop here, gotta sleep , i need energy for add maths and maybe bio later on :D

~Conquer add maths luuu~ :D

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